The exact contour of face, head, shoulders and body.
Characteristic poses of head, attitudes of body, etc.
The precise carriage, length of step, etc., in walking.
The different colours worn in some familiar clothes.
The sun is rising above the horizon into a hazy sky.
The sky clears and surrounds the sun with blueness.
Clouds. A storm blows up, with flashes of lightning.
The overall appearance of the shop from the opposite side of the road.
A window display including colours, shapes and details of individual items for sale.
You are near the entrance. The colour, shape and details of the door.
You enter the shop and go to the counter. The counter assistant serves you. Money changes hands.
The contours of the landscape.
The colour and shape of the trees.
The colour and shape of the lake.
A strong wind blows on the trees and on the lake causing waves.